Sunday, May 17, 2020

Radiate Positivity !!!

This new blog of mine is all about what we want in our life and what we get and how! our aspirations, desires and what’s the end point…..

We all often determine living in abundance, a powerful life but then the question occurs, ‘why isn’t everyone a life according to his or her dreams?’ And the reply to this, according to me, is people don’t achieve what they want as they constantly keep on thinking but they don’t want to have,  their focus in mainly on that only. Just remember, you are a living magnet. Whatever come to your mind, you attracts the same, Your thoughts, your insight determine what you get. Certainly, its impossible to feel good and at same time be having negative thoughts, if you are feeling good, its because you are having good thoughts. You can have whatever in your life, there is absolutely no limits; you just have to feel good. Isn’t that all you ever want ?

You are getting exactly what you are feeling about, not what you are thinking about. If you start your day on good note, remember, you will most certainly attract more situation and people like that and happy feeling sustains. We all experienced days when one thing after another goes wrong, henceforth it becomes a chain of bad thoughts until you move yourself out of this spiral by just changing your thoughts to something positive like what you want etc.

Weather we realize it or not, we are thinking most of the time; like you are listening to someone, reading or watching a show, when you recall from past or consider something about the future, weather you are driving or getting ready you are thinking. Guess, what the only time we are not thinking while we are at sleep. So, our last thoughts are also being operated as we fall asleep, remember to feel good before going to bed.

If you can think about what you want and make it your dominant thought you will bring it in to your life. This is the most powerful thing we can do today and always. Do it for ourselves, its natural how much you think about a thing of your choice. You feel more and more excited to achieve that.  You will consider it your ambition of life, attract it with all your magnetic power of desire. By such thoughts in your mind you will create a certain kind of energy, that will attract all resources, opportunities and circumstances to work in your favor and help you achieve your goals.

Now lets all, me as well you to read my blogs, try to follow these things for our brighter future: -

Ø  Be positive
Ø  Thoughts are magnetic; think good get goodness in return
Ø  If you want to change anything in your life, change your thoughts
Ø  What you think about the most, it happens. So, you know what you have to think about. Isn’t it?
Ø  It all around us; we just need to look carefully and understand
Ø  Your life is in your hands, you can change your life.
Ø  No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can always began to consciously choose your thoughts.
Ø  There is no such thing as hopeless situation.
Ø  Every single circumstance can change for better
Ø  If you see it in mind, you are going to hold it in your hand.

Leaving you all with these positive thoughts until my next blog...

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