Friday, May 1, 2020

A Ray of Sunshine

Sunshine has different meanings; elaboration according to an individual’s viewpoint.

To me, it’s achieving a perfect balance of mind and heart, to control over mental agitation (no matter how hard it is) and to understand when you must suppress what your heart desires.

Very often it happens that most of us feels a sense of temporary joy, by acquiring new things and forget to attain mental peace. It’s a saying; “Do good, have good.” You must be good to others but don’t expect the other person to be equally good that’s your karma. So, just do good and leave the rest to god.

If you want to achieve mental peace in today’s world we should understand what present, past and future signify in one’s life. After learning from the past, let it go.

After making a vision and planning accordingly, leave any kind of worrying of the future. Present is the greatest present of god; enjoy it. Take out time during the day when you can curb the urge to speak even for few minutes as silence provides an opportunity for self – introspection.

A few valid points we can imbibe to attain long-lasting mental peace:

Ø  Expectations reduce joy; Don’t expect
Ø  Do not give suggestion to other until you are asked for
Ø  Do not compete and compare with anybody; You are unique
Ø  Aim for constant improvement in yourself; always a scope
Ø  Past: gone, future: unknown, Live in the present with happiness
Ø  Observe, do not react
Ø  Control desires; be contented

Try to implement all these, better times ahead.

See you all soon