Friday, May 8, 2020

Forgiveness !! A Key to Mental Peace

‘To err is human, to forgive is divine.’

It’s a saying everyone has gone through at some point of life. To many a people amongst us, it’s not easy to follow as to say it. Well, I too agree to that. But, I must confess, over the recent years, I’ve found certain measures, reasons and method how to forgive someone who has hurt someone. ‘would love to share in this blog of mine’ and hope you can relate to something happened in your own life.

First, let’s all find out why we should forgive someone. I can vividly remember a line said by an American comedian, Buddy Hackett;

“I have had few arguments with people, but I can never carry a grudge. You know why? While you’re carrying a grudge, they are out dancing.”

It certainly true, whenever you are upset or angry with person, you are giving the rein of your emotions to the hand of that person. So, neither should u care about the behavior of someone who hurt you, nor should you feel the need to like that person. You have to forgive that person, only to return back to your own life. So in a way, it’s a very selfish thing to forgive someone, not related to that person at all. It’s only relatively concerned about your own mental balance and peace of mind.
As Guru Ji says, “Shukrana …”. It becomes easy to forgive. How ? whenever you think about person say “God bless you, I forgive you for everything and wish good for you.” Think positive and it will destroy all negative energy in your mind.

Whenever you let other go after forgiving them, you feel a sense of happiness and positivity. Certainly you are going to feel more energetic, strong and self-confident.

To be free from the hatred because of anger for someone, the best way is to write to that person regarding that, which in turn will liberate you from the kinds of anger, dis-satisfaction and negativity like feelings. Don’t ever trouble yourself, thinking about the reaction of the person related. It’s not your concern, none of your business. Your motive must only be to release yourself and live peaceful life.

Learn to forgive yourself too. Whatever wrong has been done with you by anyone, stop worrying about that. Its all past now. Its your life; don’t punish yourself for the wrong done by someone else. Be good and leave their deeds to them only. Stop cribbing about past events as certain people and situations can never be changed so, why to bother? Be a mature person, forgive yourself for not saying certain things at a particular time for not making the other person understand. Free yourself from any kind of burden. Also, may be you have done or said something and you regret about it, just let the person know that you are sorry for it.  Doesn’t matter what’s the reaction, you are free from it anyway.

I guess each and every word written here is true as we all relate to it at some point of life. In a nutshell, at 45, I believe forgiveness is the only key to attain happiness and peace of mind in life.



  1. It's amazing and i think i want it to implement from now onwards in my life.But if the person disturb us again and again and we got annoyed every time then what to do?pl plea discuss
