Thursday, June 10, 2021


                        LIFE; A JOURNEY


Life is a journey

Full of surprises


One can find

A bunch of roses

Happy, refresh and

Rejoiced feels

Then a sudden encounter

Of thorny bushes;

Sad times and

Bad experiences.

Always know

Roses and thorns

Go hand in hand ;

Stride side by side.

Our adventure Starts

 then and there only …


When life throws thorns,

Hunt for roses…

Always water the thorns

For the sake of the roses.


We can complain

Roses have thorns

Or rejoice because

Thorns have roses…

The choice is ours….


The crude fact is

Pain and pleasure

Reside side by side

Go a long way together

Like roses and thorns

With one another.


Our life is just a

 Thorny rose;

Not perfect, but

Always beautiful.



                                                                                                                                                                  PRITI BATRA

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Change your thinking


Change your thinking ; it will definitely change your life.

As we grow older, we realize more the importance of good deeds, good thoughts and good perceptions. One must understand that one’s outer world is a mirror image of what’s inside you. It’s a saying of holy Bible too, “A person becomes and gets back what he thinks about.” So, let’s explore in detail what does it mean.

It truly means that in your conscious mind, how you perceive yourself ;think of yourself, you’ll automatically start bringing out a lot of changes in the outer world accordingly. It comes quite naturally. So, it’s all about your thinking ,your outlook…. How you look at things. Sometimes you are too good a person to understand their ways; then it’s but obvious resulting in a big hurt, an emotional setback and deep brooding follows if the hurt is more. Alas! It’s really pathetic. Come on… let’s find out how to overcome this phase…..

First of all, let’s go deep into it and find out the ways to deal with it as nothing is impossible. In our life, if our thoughts and feelings are affected by something or someone, then believe me, it’s always someone else. It’s always about the choices we make in life no matter about persons or dealing with situations.  Successful people are only those who make allies with the ones who always strive for accomplishment and have positive and apprehensive approach in life. On the other hand, unsuccessful people tend to collaborate with the negative-minded people. So, just resolute in life always to make strong bonds with the people whose company you really enjoy and the ones from whom you can learn something. Try to work with people whose life is an example as in you want to imbibe their doings. Always put emphasis on your relationships that make your life. Whatever you can learn from their life, your equation with them, decided your life too and it adds value to your life too.

Your positive approach towards life , ability to forgive others’ flaws( it’s their karma … let them deal with it; none of your concern) and forget all the bad phases of the past decides your flourishing and bright future ahead. It’s all in our hands…better late than never…let’s start it now.

Few points that I keep on reminding myself all the while; I want all of you to understand and follow these vital points in your life….


#  Be good to others.

#  Do good to others and it will come back to you in unexpected ways most certainly.

#  Think good about others and you’ll certainly start feeling good about yourself.

#  Feel good in small thing and big things will automatically follow.

#  Imagine you are indulged in some thoughts, there is nothing you can achieve by thinking bad or negative about a problem. Rather try to have a positive and rational approach , it transcends your energies into solving the problem and you get huge fruitful favourable results for sure.


A big thank you to my readers.

See you all very soon with a new blog.